psychologie cognitive l2

Another point to mention is that the current study is a study with only female participants. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. If we understand how differences in bilinguals affect the abilities of cognitive control across different bilingual groups, we can better understand the nature of bilingual advantage. Contributions of bilingualism and public speaking training to cognitive control differences among young adults. The efficiency of attentional networks in early and late bilinguals: the role of age of acquisition. These results altogether suggest that L2 proficiency has significant influence on cognitive control, but only in conflict monitoring, not in inhibition or mental set shifting. Greenhouse-Gesser results of within-subject effects showed that there was a significant effect of condition, F(1.959,178.243) = 91.282, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.501. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2015.08.004, Dong, Y., and Liu, Y. Brain Imaging Behav. Participants responded more quickly in neutral condition (534.95 ms) than in incongruent condition (575.66 ms), F(1,91) = 100.891, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.526. Parental education level was based on a scale 1–7 (1-limited literacy, 2-primary school, 3-middle school, 4-high school, 5- bachelor’s degree, 6-master’s degree, 7-doctor’s degree). doi: 10.1016/S0028-3932(01)00110-5, Becker, M., Schubert, T., Strobach, T., Gallinat, J., and Kuhn, S. (2016). (2007). (2016). INTRODUCTION. 17, 682–691. This paper reports the results of a quasi-experimental effects-of-instruction study examining the efficacy of applying a Cognitive Linguistic (CL) approach to L2 learning of the semantics of English modals. Manipuler certainescaractéristiques de la tâche 3. Knowledge of these variables is highly interactive in successful task performance, and taken together they constitute an individual's cognitive model of a cognitive task. Language proficiency and executive control in bilingual children. 7, 325–339. As discussed in the introduction, previous studies have shown that language proficiency contributes significantly to cognitive control in different aspects among young adult bilinguals, including suppression (Khare et al., 2012), inhibition (Colzato et al., 2008), disengagement of attention (Mishra et al., 2012), a shift of reaction time distributions (Iluz-Cohen and Armon-Lotem, 2013), and selective attention (Vega-Mendoza et al., 2015). 70, 636–644. CT is similar to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and sometimes the terms are used interchangeably. The current study followed the design by Dong and Xie (2014). There were altogether 0–19 categories in the test. doi: 10.1017/S1366728912000788, Khare, V., Verma, A., Kar, B., Srinivasan, N., and Brysbaert, M. (2012). Un cours qui reprend les différents courants de cette psychologie comment on en est arrivée à la psychologie cognitive : les différentes étapes. (2014). Front. Psychol. Good language-switchers are good task-switchers: evidence from Spanish-English and Mandarin-English bilinguals. 0 … 11, 282–298. 50, 940–967. Brain Cogn. Two cognitive control tasks were adopted. (2016) examined the influence of language switching experience and language proficiency on cognitive control through Flanker task and Simon task by including three groups of bilinguals who differed in L2 proficiency (Mean age = 20.7–21.7 years old): unbalanced bilinguals, balanced non-switching bilinguals, and balanced switching-bilinguals. The effects of bilingual growth on toddlers’ executive function. How can we interpret these inconsistent findings? All the participants were English major students from Jiangxi Normal University, and they took part in the experiment for course credit with a written informed consent. Condition: Mauvais état. In order to finely examine the influence of L2 proficiency upon cognitive control, data of participants’ demographic characteristics were collected. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.079, Bialystok, E. (1999). (2015), executive functions were examined among late unbalanced young adult bilinguals with differing L2 and monolinguals (altogether 193 participants). Sci. However, there were no group differences on inhibition (different RTs between incongruent and congruent conditions) (p = 0.653), and there were no group and condition interactions (F < 1). Mem. The reason may lie in the fact that when language proficiency improves (particularly L2), other confounding factors may work together to affect cognitive control. (2014). A comparison of active and reactive inhibition mechanisms. However, there are some differences between the two studies. Are there bilingual advantages on nonlinguistic interference tasks? Sometimes L2 proficiency is associated with monitoring or switching, but sometimes with inhibition or working memory capacity. We agree with Bialystok and her colleagues that the controversies are not caused by the “inconsistencies” but mainly by the subject matter or the complexity of bilingualism, including a series of factors such as age of acquisition, language proficiency, language use context, as well as other participant-relevant variables including age, SES, intelligence (Valian, 2014). 2:123. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00123, Teubner-Rhodes, S. E., Mishler, A., Corbett, R., Andreu, L., Sanz-Torrent, M., Trueswell, J. C., et al. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2007.04.012, Kroll, J. F., Bobb, S. C., Misra, M., and Guo, T. (2008). The course is designed to provide an advanced, research-oriented program in Neuro-Cognitive Psychology, an emerging field at the intersection of Experimental Psychology and the Cognitive Neurosciences.. Actually, there is no one-to-one relationship between L2 proficiency and any specific aspect of cognitive control. They assessed three aspects of attention (sustained, selective and attentional switching), verbal fluency (letter and category), and L2 proficiency (by picture name verification task). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This advantage presumably originates from the experience of using two languages. CM 4 de psychologie cognitive S1 L2 programme complet . Costa et al. Moreover, similar results showing bilinguals are faster than monolinguals in the Flanker task have been reported in different countries, with different language groups, and different cultures (i.e., Calabria et al., 2011; Tao et al., 2011; Woumans et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2016b). We believe that the cognitive control difference between bilinguals who differed in the degree of L2 proficiency may also reflect the difference between monolinguals and bilinguals. *Correspondence: Zhilong Xie,;, Front. Cognitive complexity and attentional control in the bilingual mind. As could be shown from the table, except for L2 proficiency, all other variables including age, education, intelligence, and SES were matched across the three groups (ps > 0.05). Cortex 75, 237–240. Analysis reveals that L1 basic and L2 writers hold different cognitive models and perform differently on writing tasks, suggesting that cognitive models have important implications for writing task performance. Thus it is a key variable for investigating bilingual advantage (Mishra, 2014). In addition, most previous studies investigated cognitive differences between bilinguals and monolinguals. Abutalebi, J., and Green, D. (2007). Future research is encouraged to explore how language use contexts may affect bilingual advantage in different ways. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Demographic questionnaire, Tests, and cognitive control Tasks were administered for all the participants in the current research. The bilingual adaptation: how minds accommodate experience. cognitive psychology bilişsel psikoloji cognitive psychology ne demek. l2 csd hep 2007 3. naissance de la psychologie cognitive 3.1 le contexte scientifique histoire de la psychologie scientifique la psychologie cognitive pr. By combining the results of the current study, we suggest that the relationship between bilingualism and conflict monitoring is significant even among young adult bilinguals, and specific aspects of bilingualism such as L2 proficiency contribute significantly to conflict monitoring in cognitive control among bilingual speakers. The results showed that all the groups were similar in verbal fluency task, but bilinguals and multilinguals outperformed monolinguals in selective attention but not in sustained attention or attentional switching. The effects of bilingualism on conflict monitoring, cognitive control, and garden-path recovery. There is no coherent evidence for a bilingual advantage in executive processing. 2:309. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00309, Keywords: L2 proficiency, cognitive control, unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals, bilingual advantage, conflict monitoring, Citation: Xie Z (2018) The Influence of Second Language (L2) Proficiency on Cognitive Control Among Young Adult Unbalanced Chinese-English Bilinguals. Flanker task was administered to measure conflict monitoring and inhibition, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) to measure mental set shifting. Psychol. Socio-economic Status (SES) is considered another important factor contributing to cognitive control, especially among children, as the way of family interaction, income, or parental education may affect how children’s cognitive control is developed (Valian, 2014). Executive control of language in the bilingual brain: integrating the evidence from neuroimaging to neuropsychology. 41, 1579–1586. Broché. There were two blocks in the task. 155, 82–91. L2 proficiency may contribute to cognitive control in different ways under different circumstances. Lang. A., Estevez, A., Hernandez, J. The development of two types of inhibitory control in monolingual and bilingual children. We examine inhibition, conflict monitoring, and mental set shifting as these three aspects of cognitive control have been widely discussed in previous literature. In order to control the influence of intelligence upon cognitive control, a Chinese version of Ravens Advanced Progressive Matrices (Raven et al., 1977; Li, 1989) was adopted to test all participants’ intelligence, in which all participants were required to complete patterns by choosing the correct missing part within 40 min. By administering the Flanker task and the WCST, the current study aimed to investigate whether L2 proficiency has significant influence upon cognitive control differences among young adult Chinese-English bilinguals, while other relevant variables including age, SES, education, IQ, and L2 learning history were carefully matched. Some scholars argue that inhibition is one of the core inseparable components of other aspects (Miyake and Friedman, 2012), so it is difficult to find inhibition advantage. (2015) see these inconsistencies as evidence of no bilingual advantage, but Bialystok (2016) points out that null evidence does not mean negative evidence, and that the “haze” in bilingual advantage research is not caused by the inconsistencies but by the subject matter. (2004), Tamil-English bilinguals, Cantonese-English bilinguals, and English-French bilinguals performed faster than English monolinguals in both congruent and incongruent conditions of the Simon task. Bilingual advantages in executive functioning either do not exist or are restricted to very specific and undetermined circumstances. These results are further evidence that bilingualism is related to cognitive control. L'auteure étudie dans quelle mesure ces principes peuvent non seulement enrichir le contenu des cours de L2 au niveau universitaire mais aussi encourager la création de cours de m6thodologie pour faciliter ! (2016). Psychol. (2013). La psychologie cognitive permet de prédire les réactions de sujets dans des situations précises grâce à leur modèle cognitif. Front. This book focuses on the effects of L1 cognitive resources on L2 reading e.g. Psychol. How does bilingualism improve executive control? doi: 10.3758/s13423-011-0116-7, Iluz-Cohen, P., and Armon-Lotem, S. (2013). Manual for Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices: Sets I and II. In this way, a long-term bilingual language experience may enhance general cognitive control. Three bilingual groups who differed in L2 proficiency were compared. However, bilingual advantage in attentional switching was significant for Year 4 bilingual students. Cognitive control is the ability to control behavior and thought by maintaining, focusing on, or switching goals and plans while at the same time ignoring irrelevant information. Brain Res. Specifically, L2 proficiency was significantly related to conflict monitoring but not inhibition or mental set shifting in cognitive control. 21, 8–14. The current study investigates the influence of L2 proficiency on cognitive control among three matched groups of unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals. The WCST has been considered as the most widely applied task used to measure mental set shifting (Barceló and Knight, 2002; Moriguchi and Hiraki, 2009).

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