european shorthair standard

chatterie "du Val aux Biches" Suzanne Pique. So you can find this breed in Black, Red, Blue, Cream, White or any other color. Long, woolly fur. European Shorthair Cat Coat Colors. The British Shorthair, however, was crossed with the Persian and selectively bred to become a cobbier cat with a slightly shortened muzzle and thicker coat. £400 Our gorgeous girl tiny has had 5 kittens of who are looking for loving homes only once there 8-9 weeks old. The breed is mostly popular in Scandinavia, as there are still huge populations of similar-looking cats in Europe, and the European Shorthairs are for those appreciating a supple breed which has had a selection for a good temper. The European Shorthair is Males typically reach a weight of about 15 pounds, while females are a bit smaller at an average of 12 pounds. All-natural colors are permitted. It was officially renamed "European Shorthair" in 2007. Read more here. L’Européen est une race à part entière qui s'est développée naturellement, c'est-à-dire sans avoir été soumise à des règles d'élevage. This breed has no known genetic issues ,but obesity can be a problem. The European Shorthair is on the list of endangered breeds in Sweden and is the national cat of Finland. It was confusing for Scandinavian breeders that the British Shorthair was also called European Shorthair at that time, even though it looked different. Breed standards describing the European Shorthair as an established breed can be found in different cat books from the 1930s. Broad, well-developed chest. Appearance Perhaps the European's cat best quality is the fact that they don't resemble any other breed of cat. Appropriate diet and ample activity can help prevent this issue from ever popping up. European Shorthair cats of all colors and patterns may be shown. The head is rounded and should be longer than it is wide, making it not as round as the head of the British Shorthair. Le European Shorthair est sans prétention pour la nourriture et il n'y a aucune recommandation spéciale à leur régime. Head: Fairly broad with rounded contours but a bit longer than it is wide. As people created settlements and developed farms, the cats stayed on, earning their keep as reliable mousers. Slightly rounded skull and forehead. European Shorthair : 0 annonce récente pour acheter un chaton, un chat de race ou un étalon en vue de saillie. Historique de la race. Whether this is the case or not, you’ll want to treat your cat to plenty of toys including interactive options and enticing battery-operated cat toys that move on their own or make sounds that mimic prey. General: The European Shorthair (also called "European", "Europé" or "Celtic Shorthair") originates from populations of barn cats and strays in different countries of Europe. Le chat Européen ou European Shorthair, Celtic Shorthair. The oldest known European Shorthair registered in FIFe was born in 1940, as the origin of the European Shorthair predates the formation of FIFe in 1949. Domestic cat ( Felis catus) The Eu­ro­pean Shorthair, called the Eu­ro­pean in FIFe and WCF is a breed orig­i­nat­ing in Eu­rope. Il n’est pas étonnant qu’il ressemble comme deux gouttes d’eau à notre chat de gouttière national. The Average lifespan for European Shorthair is 14-20 years. Because European Shorthair cats do have a pronounced lazy side and a tendency to become overweight, you might find that it’s necessary to encourage active play. C'est pour mettre fin à ces confusions que le chat européen a été renommé European shorthair en 2007. If you bring one of these kitties into your home, rest assured that you'll find them napping cozily anywhere they can make themselves comfortable. Origin The European Shorthair is a medium to large cat with a stocky, muscular body. Par contre, il n’autorise pas les sujets sépia, mink et colourpoint. By 1982, the European Shorthair Cat had two breeds and both had the same breed standard. Rebaptisé « European Shorthair » en 2007, c’est le descendant direct du chat commun domestique. Felinological associations recognized both types of cat as a single breed, meaning they were judged by the same standards during cat shows, until 1982 when FIFE registered the Scandinavian type … Standard 2004 complet HTML (+/-) tout lire The Chartreux, the British Shorthair and even the American Shorthair were developed from the ESH, and they are now more popular than the original breed. The others being the better known American Shorthair and British Shorthair cats. Even though these cats are vastly different from British Shorthair cats, which were developed using Persian cats to create the signature rounded head shape and somewhat shortened face that gives British Shorthairs their signature appearance, cat fancy associations judged European Shorthair cats by the same standard until they were granted their own category in 1982. Le standard de cette race de chat met l’accent sur le fait que l’european shorthair ne doit nullement se rapprocher des autres races et conserver son attitude robuste et ardente. Le Shorthair européen est probablement la plus ancienne race de chat du continent, ce qui en fait le félin le plus commun en Europe. European Shorthair has its counterparts in Great Britain (British Shorthair) and the U.S. (American Shorthair), though these breeds have been bred for longer. L’European Shorthair est une race de chat à part entière reconnue par le LOOF (donc doté d’un pédigrée) qui répond à des critères précis dictés par son standard. Au même moment, le British Shorthair, plus trapu, s'est développé en Grande Bretagne. #155574104 - European shorthair cat with a penetrating look and green eyes. Breed standards. It was a European Shorthair Cat on a continental and a current British Shorthair Cat - a breed developed in Scandinavia from a Short-haired House Cat without the influence of a Persian Long-haired Cat. Le front et le crâne sont très légèrement arrondis. They get on well with other cats and tolerate dogs well. standard. But overall, they are playful, alert, and make a nice family pet. L’origine de l’Exotic Shorthair tient en partie de la présence du Persan dans ses gènes.A la moitié du 20 e siècle, le Domestic Shorthair a du mal à se faire une place. Ce matou peut quand même présenter les mêmes pathologies que tous les autres chats. The breed standard differs from almost all other breed standards by clearly stating that the ideal European Shorthair is presumed free of any admixture of other breeds – and the aim of the breed is a harmonious cat without any extremes. Add to Likebox #154263211 - Burma cat with leash walking outside in summer, collared pet.. Their coat is short and sleek with strands that lie flat and close to the body. Members: Strong and sturdy, medium in length and narrowing steadily into firm, round paws. Allure La grande qualité du chat Européen, c’est qu’il ne ressemble à aucune autre race de chat. Whilst not overly talkative, your British will take a g… Also known as the "European Shorthair" or "Celtic Shorthair", the European cat is originally from Europe. Initially, the European Shorthair referred to the feline breeds of Europe until it gained recognition as a separate breed. They have a reputation for being somewhat territorial, so families with multiple cats should place an even stronger emphasis on finding a cat with a compatible personality when choosing a housemate for the cats already in their homes. La ressemblance s’arrête là, car c’est un adorable compagnon. The European Shorthair's dense coat is short, glossy and springy; meaning it should and should lie down again after having been ruffled by a hand going against the hairs. The strong legs are average length and the paws are round. Le nez est droit, de longueur moyenne et d'égale largeur sur toute sa longueur. European Shorthair cats tend to be medium in size. Encolure : Musclée et souple, l’encolure est de taille moyenne. These felines have round faces, medium-size bodies, and short, shiny coats of thick hair. While making a new breed, fanciers were striving to concrete their utility, while cutting their strive towards wandering the streets and generally making them more emotionally stable. The answer may enlighten you. Mais l’European Shorthair se dissocie du lot par sa malice, sa vivacité et surtout sa capacité à donner une affection sincère à son maître.Le caractère diffère en fonction de l’histoire de chaque chat donc les standards ne décrivent pas entièrement le caractère de la race. They are quite wide-set and upright. The Chartreux, the British Shorthair and even the American Shorthair were developed from the ESH, and they are now more popular than the original breed. Standards describe the European Shorthair cat as a cat of a medium to large size with a muscular body, strong round chest hair and medium length tail. Life expectancy depends on whether the cat is outdoors or not. They were first admired for their hunting skills, which enabled them to control rodent populations in grain silos. The European Shorthair is a medium-sized cat with a muscular body. The American Shorthair (ASH) is a breed of domestic cat believed to be descended from European cats brought to North America by early settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats. They have a broad well-muscled chest, strong legs with rounded paws, and a tail that is fairly thick at the base. Felinologicalassociations recognized both types o… Most European Shorthairs are strong and active, and as a rule they are friendly towards people of all ages. Merci Severine pour cet article ! Ils ont donc été jugés sur le standard du British Shorthair bien qu’ils soient beaucoup plus fins que leurs congénères anglais. Il a une certaine fragilité à la maladie parodontale (gingivite et tartre). The straight and dense coat of the European Shorthair can come in a variety of different colors and patterns. How much do you need to feed your European Shorthair? Mais, si certains chats de gouttière ressemblent à s’y méprendre à des E.S, sachez que cette race a des standards bien définis, auxquels les animaux d’élevage doivent se conformer. The breed has developed from the natural mouse hunters of Europe with the wish to strengthen the most desirable personality traits of the domestic cats. The head is fairly rounded and has well developed jowls and a short nose. chatterie "du Val aux Biches" Suzanne Pique. Coat: Short, dense, close-lying, lustrous hair. European Shorthair cats are of medium to large size, with strong, stocky bodies. 13 Une seule des associations félines ci-dessous reconnaît l'european shorthair. When Roman legions made their way throughout the European continent, they brought cats with them. Clear stop. The term has also been used as an elab­o­rate way of re­fer­ring to com­mon do­mes­tic cats of Eu­rope, caus­ing some con­fu­sion as the pedi­gree cats of this breed also should re­sem­ble the typ­i­cal do­mes­tic cats of Eu­rope. The European Shorthair is Finland's national cat breed. Ce félin qui est resté longtemps hors contrôle de l’homme est très apprécié en Finlande. The term has also been used as an elaborate way of referring to common domestic cats of Europe, causing some confusion as the pedigree cats of this breed also should resemble the typical domestic cats of Europe. "Template-1 Breed Description - The Furry Critter Network",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Le standard de l'european shorthair insiste sur le fait qu'il ne doit ressembler à aucune race et garder le caractère robuste et agile des chats de maison des foyers européens. Mais cette race n’est pas reconnue aux Etats-Unis, ni en Angleterre. La race de l’European Shorthair est celle qui présente le plus de similarités avec le chat sauvage. A fully grown European Shorthair cat might weigh between 8-15 pounds or more and range in height anywhere from about 12"-14" inches tall. The ears are medium size, with rounded tips. A dog and 2 young kids.. Le chat idéal pour une première adoption. Caractère. Il descendrait tout droit de l’Egypte ancienne, où il partageait sa vie avec les Egyptiens, les Grecs et les Romains. These days, they are thought to be Europe's original house cats. These cats were tasked with the important job of keeping Roman camps clear of rodents and other pests. [citation needed] The European Shorthair is a muscular, medium-sized to large cat, with a broad, well-muscled chest. Il présente certes les caractéristiques d’un chat de maison commun, mais ses standards lui sont propres, et il n’a jamais été croisé avec d’autres races. The ears are medium sized, rounded at the top. European Shorthair. Catégorisé comme race naturelle, l’European shorthair est … Given the chance, they'll keep your home free from unwanted pests. The breed is extremely popular throughout Scandinavia. Breed standards; FIFe: standard: Domestic cat (Felis catus) The European Shorthair, called the European in FIFe and WCF is a cat breed originating in Europe. An exciting mix – … [1] The term has also been used as an elaborate way of referring to common domestic cats of Europe, causing some confusion as the pedigree cats of this breed also should resemble the typical domestic cats of Europe. You might also want to teach your cat to accept routine dental care and frequent toenail trims. Historique de la race European shorthair. La prévention et des soins dentaires seront recommandés. The European shorthair (or Celtic shorthair) is a breed of short-haired cat originating in Ancient Rome. Required fields are marked *. Pedigreed European Shorthair cats were developed in Sweden, with an eye toward creating a The British Shorthair, however, was crossed with the Persian and selectively bred to become a cobbier cat with a slightly shortened muzzle and thicker coat. Body. Next came a period of bad luck during the witch hunts, because of the superstitions of the time. Rounded, firm chin. Well-developed cheeks, especially in males. Some of them will be affectionate with people while other will just like to be outside hunting mice. Life expectancy depends on whether the cat is outdoors or not. La base du nez est bien définie, sans stop mais avec un léger changement de direction. The coat is sleek and short, with a single upper layer and no undercoat.

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