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In the Middle East, the oil-rich Gulf states looking to diversify their economies have given strong signals regarding the importance of AI to their futures: the UAE have announced the world’s first dedicated AI minister, while Saudi Arabia recently gave citizenship to a robot. This collaborative approach has served the governments of Western Europe well so far, as demonstrated by their predominantly high scores in the Index. We then added the numbers for each indicator together to get our final scores for government AI readiness. A first of its kind, day-long virtual event bringing together gamechangers in the digital, AI and pharmaceutical spaces for an in depth look at the disruption and innovation happening now and setting us up for a radically different approach to the future of healthcare. Unfortunately, this tends to benefit countries with stronger economies, which were generally better represented in the data. This time, we added a fourth cluster that we felt was missing from last year’s Index: governance, to measure a government’s AI-related vision, policies, and ethical and legal frameworks, all of which are vital prerequisites for widespread AI implementation in public service delivery. In May 2018, the governments of the Nordic-Baltic region released a joint declaration on collaboration around AI, pledging to work together on developing skills needed to use AI, improving data access and creating ethics guidelines and standards. This is a measure of private sector innovation capability, which is a proxy for how ready the private sector is to develop the AI tools needed by government, Number of AI startups per country as registered on Crunchbase, as a proxy for the size of a country’s AI sector. While there are some businesses, academics and social enterprises working in the field, they are unlikely to be familiar with the unique context and challenges of the public sector. The Government AI Readiness Index presents a global look at AI that produces results consistent with other metrics for the state of technology in Africa. As we started with the aim of including all UN governments, we were faced with the problem of trying to find high quality datasets containing as wide a sample of countries as possible. New Zealand has a very active AI community which is helping to drive efforts towards a national AI strategy, with NGO the AI Forum producing a report 'Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand' in partnership with the New Zealand Government which was launched in May 2018. This would mean enabling the free flow of data beyond existing silos, but in a responsible manner that protects data privacy. The leading textbook in Artificial Intelligence, used in 1500 schools in 135 countries and regions. RCAI covers a whole range of AI sub-disciplines: Machine Learning, Reasoning, Planning, Natural Language Processing etc. Existence of data protection or privacy laws which shows whether a government has put in place legislation to protect citizens’ data (as this data is the cornerstone of widespread AI implementation in public services), Existence (or otherwise) of a comprehensive national AI strategy which shows a concerted policy effort by a national government to make the most of AI, and mitigate the associated challenges, Scores for open government data publication, which is a proxy for the availability of open government data at large. For this edition of the Index, we invited regional experts to give commentary for each grouping, to supplement our quantitative findings with their insights and local knowledge. À cette occasion, nous nous pencherons sur les changements et les innovations qui ont cours en ce moment afin de nous préparer à adopter une approche différente quant à l’avenir des soins de santé. AI-based methods are increasingly being used in various stages of the process to improve time- and cost-efficiency.These include the use of AI in real-time image-based cell sorting , cell classification , quantum mechanics (QM, see Glossary) calculation of compound … There are increasing examples of cross-national initiatives and cooperation on AI among EU member states in Eastern Europe. In January 2015, Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and dozens of artificial intelligence experts signed an open letter on artificial intelligence calling for research on the societal impacts of AI. The Index data shows that the areas which need the most improvement in the region are building a better data infrastructure, including making data open and available to the public, and fostering a strong innovation ecosystem to help local tech communities thrive and ultimately contribute to government AI readiness. The Centre for Law, Technology and Society is delighted to announce that Faculty member Dr. Céline Castets-Renard just published Droit du marché unique numérique et intelligence artificielle with Bruylant, a unique textbook on European Union’s single market and challenges relating to artificial intelligence. A coherent national AI strategy is a good proxy for measuring the strength of AI-focused governance. Like humans, machines can be influenced by people with varying ethical values. Estonia is ranked first in the region (and 23rd globally), which is little surprise given " the way it has embraced digital technologies Previously, Emma worked for the Open Data Institute and the Australian Government. Nevertheless, what evidence we do have points to a trend toward greater interest and activity around AI in the region. It is looking for other ways to capitalise on the vast amounts of data held by the government to improve public services through AI, such as detecting icy roads using satellite imagery, or improving the E-Tax system. It is innovative measures like these which help account for Finland’s high ranking, despite its relatively small economy. Métro Université-de-Montréal 2910, Boul. We added new indicators and removed some from our last Index, and have ended up with 11 indicators in total, up from nine in 2017: In most cases we worked with existing indexes which have cleaned data. All of the top ten ranked countries in the region are EU member states, with the exception of Russia (third in the region). Both the Sector Deal, and the House of Lords’ report on AI in the UK (published in April 2018) emphasise the importance of robust thinking and policy around AI ethics. Whereas many countries are pursuing policies to boost investment and leverage AI for national competitiveness, the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy is unique among national AI strategies in that it focuses almost exclusively on establishing Canada as the human capital leader in AI by cultivating and attracting highly skilled AI talent. To date, it has been difficult for them to identify local technical, knowledge and social partners to develop AI projects with. Despite talk of a global race for AI, developments in Western Europe have often been characterised by collaboration, rather than competition. It remains to be seen whether AI tools are taken up by these groups and incorporated into, for example, startup companies, locally developed open source tools, and educational uses. Data mining and algorithms are the principles underpinning the explosion in Artificial Intelligence. As we enter the age of automation, governments must ensure that they are ready to capitalise on the potential power of AI. Artificial Intelligence Graduate Cycle Digital Vacation 2020: Dr Eric Adja's Afria, the Adrien Houngbédji Foundation and the Vallet de France Foundation are doing useful work Webconference on the African Diaspora and Artificial Intelligence in recent years, other ways to capitalise on the vast amounts of data held by the government, currently spends US$12.5 million a year on AI research, Center for the Fourth Both countries boast skilled workforces, innovative private sectors, good data availability, and effective governance, which are all key factors for determining whether a government can take advantage of AI quickly and effectively. It is introducing advanced analytics and risk-based management at border controls. This is largely a result of missing data points, something we discuss in depth in our methodology annex paper. Areas to explore include how to structure better AI policies, test and examine relevant AI solutions, as well as build a network of practitioners to enable relevant and timely knowledge in this area. A surprising outcome is China’s relatively low position of 20th, even though central and local governments are already implementing AI in public service delivery. Policymakers should collaborate closely with technical researchers to investigate, prevent, and mitigate potential malicious uses of AI. For AI startups we mined the Crunchbase database. Additionally, both countries have identified AI as a national policy priority area, with Canada publishing its Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy in 2017, the first country to launch a national AI strategy, and the United States publicising a series of initiatives since 2016 devoted to increasing AI readiness, culminating in the current administration’s national AI strategy, the American AI Initiative, presented in February 2019. The Centre for Law, Technology and Society is delighted to announce that Faculty member Dr. Céline Castets-Renard just published Droit du marché unique numérique et intelligence artificielle with Bruylant, a unique textbook on European Union’s single market and challenges relating to artificial intelligence. Rapid advances in artificial intelligence have improved the human factor of machines. The notion of machines with human-like intelligence dates back at least to Samuel Butler's 1872 novel Erewhon We decided to weight each indicator equally based on the feedback we received when consulting on our methodology, as it was felt that each was of equal importance. The high rankings of many Western European governments reflect the generally efficient governance and innovative private sectors across the region, as well as the existence of a number of national AI strategies. SHANGHAI — If Beijing has its way, the future of artificial intelligence will be made in China. As a region, Latin America does not have a coherent strategy or approach to AI. The negative impacts of AI on employment will likely be substantially lower in Africa than it will in other regions, even if the adoption of AI is as widespread on the continent as in the rest of the world. through a proxy such as the number of start-ups). The European Commission announced a European AI strategy in April 2018, aimed at increasing annual investment in AI by 70 percent, ensuring that people have the skills they need to thrive in a future with more automation, and building the necessary ethical and legal frameworks for widespread AI adoption. government's commitment to such policies. In order to develop and implement AI in public service delivery, there is ideally a strong pool of in-country talent, which can be measured both through AI skills/education and the strength of the AI sector (which can be Joshua New is an AI and data policy expert based in Washington, DC. The Australian Government announced its intention to increase government investment in AI in the 2018-19 Budget, in which it committed US$21 million (AU$29.9 million) to AI projects including research funding, more PhD places, and educational Les participants se sont familiarisés avec l'intelligence artificielle Le 7 novembre, le site du Centre culturel et scientifique de Russie à Bruxelles a organisé un cours sur le numérique. There are a number of things that might make a government AI ready that are unquantifiable, and therefore out of the scope of our study. in recent years, as seen through its high score in indices such as the UN eGovernment Development Index. As shown by the Index, some governments in the region score well below the global average for AI readiness, which leads to the question of what kind of strategies could work to help them be better prepared for the AI revolution. Similarly, for AI industries to succeed, governments will have to pay particular attention to increasing both the ‘datafication’ (or ability to capture data) of their economies, and the availability of data. However, learning from synthetic images may not achieve the desired performance due to a gap between synthetic and real image distributions. Over time, this should lead to better data and higher rankings for African governments in future editions of the Index. Nevertheless, the countries in the Western Balkans and South Caucasus are joining forces and working together on national action plans to incorporate advanced technologies in government operations. Items 1 - 15 of 24 To date, only two Latin American countries (México and Uruguay) have developed, or are developing, AI policies and strategies. As technology evolves, we track new threats and provide analysis to help CISOs and security professionals. By Sriganesh Lokanathan Fostering the responsible use of AI and managing its societal impacts: in the rush to publish AI strategies, governments in the Asia-Pacific region will need to pay particular attention to the responsible use of AI. Another aspect of the African tech community to watch closely is the role of SMEs and individual developers, and how they embrace AI. While government efforts cannot do much about the time zone, they could help encourage more technology startups through greater tax concessions, export support, visa assistance, or even funding. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania released the Declaration on AI in the Nordic-Baltic Region in May 2018, and the Visegrad Group - the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic - published a Joint Declaration on Future Cooperation on Industry 4.0 Projects, with the emphasis on AI, in 2018. Government Artificial Intelligence Readiness. Emerging technologies offer a unique opportunity to improve the governments of the future, and citizens’ experience of government. The portable Artificial Intelligence-based device is for automatic inspection of goods manufactured in MSMEs November 24, 2020, Tuesday New AI park to build robotic nurses, education systems for India's billions To start the process of designing our 2019 Government AI Readiness Index methodology, we set out our ‘exam question’: how ready is a given government to implement AI in the delivery of public services to their citizens? In April 2018, the European Commission presented their strategy to increase the coordination of investment for research and innovation for AI, with an aim of reaching at least US$22.5 billion (€20 billion) by the end of 2020, and more than US$22.5 billion per year over the following decade. Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the hypothetical intelligence of a machine that has the capacity to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can. Begin building AI applications with data and logic. Download the report Informed by over 8 trillion daily security signals and observations from our security and threat intelligence experts, our new Digital Defense Report presents telemetry and insights about the current state of cybersecurity. Gestion des contenus multilingues et normalisation à l’aune de l’Intelligence artificielle. We consider a set of learning agents in a col-laborative peer-to-peer network, where each agent learns a personalized model according to its own learning objective. Please contact research@oxfordinsights.com for more information and with any comments. 6128, succ. Table of Contents Preface (pdf); Contents with subsections ... 21 Deep Learning ... 750 22 Reinforcement Learning ... 789 VI Communicating, perceiving, and acting Centre de recherche en éthique. Although the Russian Government has not yet officially released a comprehensive AI strategy, the conference concluded with ten policies. Australia in particular has a strong connective role to the rest of Asia-Pacific with their tertiary education system that attracts top students from the rest of Asia, moulding and feeding the human resource needs for the AI industry for the region as a whole. An effective government, in theory, will be more capable of delivering change in public service delivery, Importance of IT to government’s vision of the future, Score out of seven in response to the question ‘to what extent does the government have a clear implementation plan for utilising ICTs to improve your country’s overall competitiveness?’, from the WEF Executive Opinion Survey. This is not necessarily a bad thing for Canada given that a country will benefit far more from robust AI adoption than simply having successful AI companies. Strong cross-border academic collaborations between China, Singapore, and Australia would facilitate the growth of fundamental and application-driven AI research for the region. E21 Consortium – Symposium on Education and Artificial Intelligence Consortium E21 – Symposium sur l’éducation et l’intelligence artificielle Carleton University There is a risk, therefore, that countries in the Global South could be left behind by the so-called fourth industrial revolution. The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence In response to the changing threat landscape we make four high-level recommendations: 1. Please try again later. host more than 6,000 innovators and technicians working on ICT. The portable Artificial Intelligence-based device is for automatic inspection of goods manufactured in MSMEs November 24, 2020, Tuesday New AI park to build robotic nurses, education systems for India's billions IPdigIT is a blog about intellectual property, the digital economy and information technology taking a European perspective. As a platform for scholars interested in the law and economics of innovation, it aims at discussing those issues with rigor and depth! through digital public services. Fostering healthy competition through appropriate regulatory mechanisms will be critical if countries are to build dynamic innovation ecosystems in AI. We also knew that there were a number of changes we wanted to make this time round, based both on our own ideas and helpful feedback from around the world that we received last year. However, we felt that data availability was too vital of a precondition for widespread AI implementation to leave out, as it is both necessary for training and powering algorithms, but can also indicate good governance, transparency and accountability. This report has been produced by Oxford Insights. Singapore is taking a different approach from China’s, and is paying heed to managing community concerns around AI. Montreal, Quebec, Canada – October 18, 2018– Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. announced that it is establishing another artificial intelligence (AI) centre in Montreal, the second biggest city in Canada and home to one of the world’s fastest growing AI communities. Balneário Camboriú, Brazil. Thanks to the work of highly respected researchers such as Yoshua Bengio , leading-edge expertise was developed in recent years that is increasingly attracting the world’s very top players in AI. It scores the governments of 194 countries and territories according to their preparedness to use AI in the delivery of public services. They have pursued this aim by setting up a dedicated governmental steering group to work on AI in Finland, which published a national AI strategy in 2017 - the first country in the EU to do so. Formerly known as Microsoft Innovation Center Brussels. Governments are already implementing AI in their operations and service delivery, to improve efficiency, save time and money, and deliver better quality public services. The typical daily wage for a worker in agriculture or construction is less than US$10 per day. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA; / s i aɪ ˈ eɪ /) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the federal government of the United States, officially tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence (HUMINT). artiflcial intelligence for citizen services and government 5 between 96.7 million and 1.2 billion hours annually, with potential savings between $3.3 billion and $41.1 billion, respectively.8 AI is not new to government. // REPORT à une date ultérieur // "Repenser votre organisation grâce à l’Intelligence Artificielle" - MODULE 5 en partenariat avec l'EPHEC ***** Voir conditions tarifaires ci-dessous. 11h - 20h Currently closed. 84, October 2018. How to decrease the costs and speed up projects are central questions for all pharmaceutical companies. AI centres could help to foster much of the innovation and networking required to address social and economic issues through new applications of these technologies. Both countries’ high scores are at least in part a result of being wealthy economies with well-educated populations and digitally savvy governments. The lead authors were Hannah Miller and Richard Stirling (OI). While New Zealand does not yet have a formal AI strategy, its government has an ambitious approach to digital technology, with the goal of making ICT the second-largest contributor to GDP by 2025. There have been a number of developments over the past year that point to a growing AI scene across the region. Despite these countries’ leading positions, both have opportunities for improvement. Improved skills and data will be needed for widespread AI adoption and utilisation in government. The data is derived from a variety of resources, ranging from our own desk research into AI strategies, to databases such as the number of registered AI startups on Crunchbase, to indices such as the UN eGovernment Development Index. Stephen Hawking: Artificial intelligence could be the greatest disaster in human history. La Chine a actuellement le superordinateur le plus rapide et il construit le centre de recherche le plus avancé au monde afin de développer des ordinateurs quantiques encore plus rapides. developments in the field of artificial intelligence are changing the way in which language is used and learned, and how it will develop in the future. This is an area in which there could be substantial growth over the By Fabrizio Scrollini The rise of artificial intelligence poses several promises and risks for Latin American governments and societies. It scores the governments of 194 countries Similarly to the previous indicator, this is included to measure how ready the private sector is to develop AI tools and solutions for government, Scope and quality of online services. Of the bottom ten countries, seven are classified as Least Developed Countries. It also put aside funding to develop a national AI Ethics Framework, though almost one year later there has been limited public progress on this commitment. While China may lag behind in fundamental research (i.e. China has prioritised implementing AI in public service delivery, and already has widespread use of AI in a number of public service programmes. In the same month, the EU member states signed a Declaration of Cooperation on AI, pledging to work together to share research and findings. Third, there is still relatively little R&D in AI in Africa. Nevertheless, this could come at the cost of significant social consequences, considering the structural inequality and democratic deficit in the region. Ce cours a été organisé dans le cadre du projet panrusse de l'économie numérique. 6128, succ. Those countries that already have strong STEM education systems will have an advantage, but others will need to import these skills in the short term, which means they have to create strong incentives for attracting top foreign talent. Unlike global leaders in the field such as Canada, the US or the UK, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have not yet connected their academic resources with public and private capital to enable the establishment of AI centres. This can be measured through the proxies of general effectiveness of the government, and the degree of innovation already in capita). Looking for abbreviations of CIA? As a platform for scholars interested in the law and economics of innovation, it aims at discussing those issues with rigor and depth! We should expect that China, while only placing sixth in Asia-Pacific and 21st globally in the current rankings, will rise in next year’s rankings. CIA - Counter Intelligence Agency. 12:10 - Keynote Speaker - Laurent Romary\ INRIA, Centre March Bloch (Berlin), ISO. The overall score is comprised of 11 input metrics, grouped under four high-level clusters: governance; infrastructure and data; skills and education; and government and public services. Most notable among these is a US$2 billion investment in the They have been investing heavily in new technology, with governments serving as initial consumers. Focus stratégique, No. Recent conference history includes RCAI 2016 in Smolensk, Russia, RCAI 2014 in Kazan, Russia and goes back to RCAI 1988 held in Pereslavl-Zalessky. This measures governments’ e-capability, so acts as a proxy for in-government tech/AI skills. Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency’s AI Next campaign, which aims to develop the next wave of AI technologies while advancing research into key governance concerns Show: News Articles. Governments across Africa will need to develop coherent and strong policies around AI if they are to capitalise on these recent developments, and ensure their citizens benefit from the advantages of AI whilst being protected from its potentially harmful impacts. We divided the countries by region, principally following UN groupings, with the chief exception of the Western European and Others Group, which we separated to allow more in-depth analysis of higher scoring governments. By the time that this happens, the African continent will be able to learn from the mistakes and successes of pioneer countries (i.e., those in the top 50 positions of the Index). In the case of China, which is not represented in the OKFN Open Data Index, the Government received a lower score for AI readiness than we feel reflects reality. Western Europe dominates the top 20 places of the 2019 Government AI Readiness Index, as might be expected due to the strong economies of the majority of Western European nations. Isaac Rutenberg is a Senior Lecturer and the Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (CIPIT) at Strathmore Law School in Nairobi, Kenya. Adresse postale: C.P. The continued rapid proliferation of tech hubs in Africa is now a widely researched phenomenon, with a number of cities such as Cape Town, Addis Ababa, Kigali, and Nairobi all positioning themselves as regional centres for innovation. It is simply not economically practical to replace or augment such a low paid workforce until the cost of robotic labour is dramatically reduced from current levels. Capacity is also a challenge for Latin American countries, and in particular for their governments. There are no African countries in the top 50 positions, and only 12 African countries (out of 54 in the list) are in the top 100. Neuroscientists find a way to make object-recognition models perform better. The strategy shapes national AI R&D Latest News, Info and Tutorials on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data and what it means for Humanity. operations. While the focus so far has been on investment in AI adoption, much more will need to be done by these governments to prepare their societies both to take advantage of, and mitigate the potential disruptions from, AI growth. concrete policies to advance AI, such as spurring public sector AI adoption and allocating new funding for AI R&D, rather than simply repurposing existing funds. Intelligence artificielle : vers une nouvelle révolution militaire ? Columbia University and has worked with World Vision and the World Bank. Fabrizio Scrollini is the Executive Director of the Latin American Open Data Initiative (ILDA). Its mission is to provide the scientific community and society with clear, relevant and solid answers to contribute to the development of better policies and to lay the foundations for a future strategic vision for our society. This has prompted governments to invest more heavily in areas including AI education and R&D, in order to stay at the forefront of global and regional developments. Édouard-Montpetit 3ème étage, bureau 313 Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J7 Canada. As we could not find a more complete dataset or proxy to sufficiently capture data availability, we made the decision to use the OKFN dataset, despite the missing data points. Il profitera fortement à nos sociétés qui ont plus besoin que jamais de ce type travaux. The key priority areas in the strategy are boosting R&D, and ensuring AI development is socially responsible. The top five placed African governments - Kenya, Tunisia, Mauritius, South Africa, and Ghana - reflects the well-documented developments in the technology sectors of these countries. The United States has lagged behind most leading nations in developing a national AI strategy, but its government has been working to advance AI development and adoption since 2016, most notably with the launch of its Artificial Research and Development Strategic Plan. It also lags behind Australia in Index metrics such as the number of AI startups and the innovation capability of its private sector. Le département, qui supervise tout ce qui concerne la sécurité nationale et les forces armées américaines, a eu l’idée de créer un centre axé sur l’intelligence artificielle … Centre de recherche en éthique. There have been a number of multilateral initiatives on AI R&D and related policy, both at the EU level and bilaterally.

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