Fondée par le très charismatique Nicolas Buttet, et reconnu en tant qu’association publique de fidèles par Mgr Dominique Rey, elle comporte une quarantaine de membres répartis en trois maison (Epinassey en Suisse, St-Jeoire en Haute-Savoie et Château-Rima dans le Var). He went to Rome in 1989 and worked there until 1991 when he became a hermit in his native Switzerland. Père Nicolas Buttet (Communauté Eucharistein) VIDEO "Il faut souffler sur le feu !" Père Laurent Fabre (Chemin Neuf) VIDEO "Marthe est une grande soeur pour moi !" The Eucharist is a school of liberty and a school of charity. There was no hesitation possible. J.R. Tolkien and Christian Humanism, Celebration in honour of the Holy Hiero-martyr Hilarion, Jan. 7th BYZANTINE CHRISTMAS (resources on Christmas), The Nativity and the New Jerusalem (Orthodox), Metropolitan Hilarion in a Press Conference (on Sacred Music), The Revelations of Divine Love (Pope Benedict and others), Patriarch Kiril: CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A THEORY OR A RITUAL: IT IS A LIFE, The Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Introduction To The Jesus Prayer by HRH Princess Ierene of Romania, SALVATION IN THE WORLD by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, Catholic Icons: Senor de los Milagros Lima, Couple Received Letters From John Paul II on Medjugorje, October Saints whose relics were found by St Ambrose of Milan, Spiritual Counsels of St Pachomius of Chios, THEOSIS: "Drunk with the Spirit" by Olvier Clement, THE JESUS PRAYER by St Theophan the Recluse, Spirituality - THEOSIS 2 (Olivier Clement), CYNICISM IS AN ILLNESS - An Interview with an Orthodox Abbiot, Columba Marmion: A Deadly Serious Spiritual Writer, An Elder of Mount Athos Speaks of Martyrdom, ON ORTHODOX SPIRITUALITY by Patriarch Kiril of Moscow, The Importance of Little Things (St John Maximovich), "Theosis" in the teaching of St Silouan the Athonite, The Call To Holiness: SS Padre Pio, St Seraphim & the Cure d'Ars, The Biblical Basis For the Orthodox Teaching on "Theosis". The Eucharistic Congress is a determinant stage on the path to proposing the faith. Nicolas Buttet (Author) › Visit Amazon's Nicolas Buttet Page. RCF est créé en 1982, à l'initiative de l'archevêque de Lyon, Monseigneur Decourtray, et du Père Emmanuel Payen. Paul McPartlan, BUSQUEDA DE Kitezh: UNA ENTREVISTA CON ALEJANDRO Ogorodnikov por Jim Forest (y THOOPHANY SANTO), UNIFICAR ortodoxia y el catolicismo por Nikolai Berdiaev, CÃMO DISTINGUIR LOS PENSAMIENTOS bueno de lo malo por el P. Andrew Lemeshonok, FISURAS EN EL TIEMPO (en los asesinatos de Newtown y nosotros) por Bonnie Thurston, EL CAMINO A LA SANTIDAD por FR Andrew Lemeshonok Convento de Santa Isabel en Minsk, LO QUE LOS PADRES DICEN DE LA NAVIDAD Y REYES MAGOS plus TS ELIOT LEE SU PROPIO POEMA DE NAVIDAD, Primado de la caridad por Mons. He bacame the founder of the Eucharistein Fraternity. co... 9 December 2020 CHINA: CSW MARKS ANNIVERSARY OF CRACKDOWN ON EARLY RAIN Le Père Buttet a aussi contribué, pour une large part, à la création d’un centre d’études anthropologiques, l’institut Philanthropos qui a été inauguré en 2004. Father Buttet: Our little community is of Franciscan inspiration in its poor lifestyle and closeness to nature: We build and repair houses ourselves, we develop agriculture and forestry. The latter has to discover and express its true identity, what binds it together; while Catholicism has to get used to diversity within an identity that is very clear. ", The Divine Names & Mystical Theology (S. Dionysius the Areopagite), The Practice of the Presence of God (Br Lawrence), Works of Suplicius Severus, S. Vincent of Lerins, and S. John Cassia, Convent of the Glorious New Martyr St Elizabeth, Minsk, ByloRussia, An Orthodox Layman's website "Jonathan's Corner, 9 December 2020 CHINA: CSW MARKS ANNIVERSARY OF CRACKDOWN ON EARLY RAIN CHURCH AS CONDITIONS WORSEN, A Professionally-Built Iconostasis for a Mission Church, Certain brethren of good repute and holy life (XXI), Being Like Our Lady in the Time of Pandemic, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’, Over 9,000 people killed, 20,000 wounded during conflict in Donbas — UN, Aidan Hart Orthodox icon painter and carver - Byzantine and Russian icons,, THE YEAR OF MERCY: GOING BACK TO THE BASIC GOSPEL. St. WHAT SAY OUR LEADERS? 1 (S. Athanasius), Paradise or Garden of the Holy Fathers vol.2. The parents had a three-year-old girl. Crises, Dostioevsky and the Gospel (by Fr Stephen 0 Orth. Nicolas Buttet | Bern und Umgebung, Schweiz | Modérateur chez Eucharistein | 500+ Kontakte | Vollständiges Profil von Nicolas auf LinkedIn anzeigen und vernetzen The community's center and life is the Eucharistic Jesus. Are we that different? Nicolas Buttet is a Swiss Catholic priest, author and philanthropist. And the girl answered without hesitation: "with auntie!". Promis à une brillante carrière d'homme politique et d'avocat en Suisse, élu député à l'âge de 23 ans, Nicolas Buttet gagnait des fortunes. Fondateur et modérateur de la fraternité Eucharistein et de plusieurs œuvres en Suisse et en Europe, il est aussi membre du Conseil d'administration de la Fondation Zermatt Summit. The Feast of St Benedict: An Interview with the Abbot of Montecasino, Maronite Monasticism: The Life of Blessed Hardini (videos), Abbot Paul's Homily at the Profession of Br Juan Edgar, The 150th Anniversary of BELMONT ABBEY (by Abbot Paul }, Monasticism in the West by Jordan Aumann OP, Monastic Life in the Syrian Orthodox Churchl, THE TIME AND SPACE OF GOD: THE CHURCH & THE ALTAR, TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (c) HOMILY BY DOM ALEX ECHEANDIA, A TALE OF TWO LITURGISTS: DOM ODO CASEL & FR ALEXANDER SCHMEMANN, ORTHODOX EASTER SUNDAY by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom of Sourozh, CHRIST THE HIGH PRIEST mostly by Dr Margaret Barker (videos), THE HELLENIC ORIGINS OF CHURCH MUSIC by Christopher Warner, DOM GUERANGER'S INFLUENCE ON THE LITURGICAL MOVEMENT, HOMILY OF ABBOT PAUL AT MIDNIGHT MASS 2012, FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING: A HOMILY PREACHED BY DOM ANDREW BERRY, THE WESTERN RITE by Fr Patrick Reardon WHAT DOES THE ORTHODOX EAST NEED FROM THE WESTERN TRADITION? We have daily adoration in our houses from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m two to three nights a week. Hilarion), Why is St Seraphim so popular in Russia? Eucharistein, en grec, signifie « rendre grâce ». And we know how he went about it. developing for several years. necessities. Mais c’est aussi le nom d’une communauté religieuse catholique née dans le Valais (Suisse) en 1996, à l’initiative de Nicolas Buttet, ancien ermite. her mother asked. Elle compte aujourd’hui 40 membres dont des frères et des sœurs consacrés et des oblats qui font vœux de pauvreté, de chasteté et d’obéissance. we have the control through the mind and through our heart forging a deeper Father Nicolas Buttet, founder of the Eucharistein Community, and one of the organizers of the papal visit, described its context as a contentious, extremely divided Switzerland. THE SPIRIT OF THE WORLD AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD (Orth. And this is reflected in the various parallel ways their pastoral strategies are developing. God multiplies his works in hearts that are open to his grace. His community, inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi, is devoted to simplicity and total reliance on God. These two examples evidence onerous consequences, of what it is appropriate to call here the "peaceful revolution" of the 60s, a slow tsunami, but a tsunami nevertheless that was ecclesial, religious and cultural. We have also launched, with laymen and the permission of the bishop, perpetual adoration in Fribourg, Switzerland: 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Q: Can you tell us how you discovered the importance of the Eucharist? Systematic presentation of themes in "M&M" (please click on picture), Pope Francis and synodality (please click on photo), click on photo is get the website on THE HOLY AND GREAT ORTHODOX COUNCIL, MONKS AND MERMAIDS (A Benedictine Blog), LEARN OR PREPARE PLAINCHANT: THE WHOLE GRADUAL ONLINE, A WONDERFUL ORTHODOX CONVENT: ST ELIZABETH'S CONVENT, MINSK. He has taught sociology at the universities of Geneva and Fribourg, and served as the assistant to Cardinal Etchegaray on the Vatican Council for Justice and Peace. ECUMENISM WITHOUT COMPROMISE: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, Peter Kreeft and Me. St. Nicolas would have felt as very near to him the burning charity of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Vincent de Paul. ), THE THREE PILLARS OF CHRISTOLOGY : by Cardinal Schonborn OPn, Catholic West and Orthodox East (by Aidan Nichols OP), PETER KREEFT: On Evil in thE "LORD OF THE RINGS", VIVIFICAT:Lectio Divina (Cath.) The whole teaching of the Latin Fathers may be found in the East, just as the whole teaching of the Greek Fathers may be found in the West. The Eucharist is my strength to love, to follow and serve Christ through joys and sorrows. Yet, we need truth. The churches would be brimming with adorers consumed by love for the divine prisoner, both during the day and the night.". THE BOMBING OF SYRIA PLANNED BY THE UNITED STATES IS A CRIMINAL ACT by Patriarch Gregorios III of Antioch, THE NUNS OF AZEIR, SYRIA "THEY ARE GOING TO BOMB US! I was moreover also confronted both with important social questions as well as personal problems, of a family and social nature. The Eucharistein Community, established by Fr. THE QUEEN AT CHRISTMAS 2011, SEVEN DAYS TO CHRISTMAS - THE "O" ANTIPHONS, FATHER ALEXANDER SCHMEMANN : Liturgical Scholar (Orth. I think there are three things to develop: a Eucharistic catechesis which includes words and examples. Part 1 of this interview was published Tuesday. ARCHIMANDRITE,the full documentary film, plus two other videos on Orthodox monastic life. Un parcours de vie atypique, parsemé de rebondissements aussi bouleversants qu’incroyables, que celui du père Nicolas Buttet. It's the heart of our life and our vocation. 7 videos, ABBOT PAUL'S HOMILY AT THE SOLEMN PROFESSION OF BR. Le Frère Cyrille Jacquot a été élu modérateur de la fraternité Eucharistein le 4 septembre 2020. God hears a Church that prays. célébrée par le père Nicolas BUTTET, modérateur de la Fraternité Eucharistein Pèlerinage en car à Sachseln – Flüeli – Ranft : dimanche 24 juin REQUEST TO … I answered: "Yes, of a sort." He replied: "Ah, but do people like that still exist?" I will share this. by Metropolitan Hilarion, ABBOT PAUL'S TALK TO THE BELMONT COMMUNITY, Iconographic Depictions of the Life of St Seraphim of Sarov, INCARNATION AND MYSTERY: T.S. One has to live under a rock not to know this. ), POPE PIUS XII ON DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART, BLESSED JOHN TAULER Contemporary of ST GREGORY PALAMAS, ASCENT AND TRANSFORMATION (St Seraphim and St Francis), BALTHAZAR, HIS CHRISTOLOGY AND THE EASTER MYSTERY, PETER KREEFT: THE ABOLITION OF MAN by C.S. Entrevue avec le fondateur de la fraternité Eucharistein 19 juin 2008 For those who speak French, there are a few videos which will allow you to listen to him. The founder of a fraternity dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament says he discovered the same, unique Jesus present in the Eucharist and in the weakness and poverty of the world's poor and handicapped. loving them through her. D’abord étudiant à Saint-Maurice puis docteur en droit, brillant avocat, député au Grand Conseil valaisan, le père Nicolas Buttet est hostile au idées de l’Église catholique et du Pape mais sa vie va basculer du jour au lendemain. I think we can engage in a "profound revolution," that of hearts and of society. Benedict XVI took as a sign and a mission the fact that he ascended the Chair of Peter at the height of the Eucharistic Year. Animation du Groupe Dorothée et Nicolas de Flüe. When it turned out she was not, Buttet founded a religious community that specialized in welcoming people form all walks of life. My conclusion will be very clear: It's the hour of the Eucharist! It is so because of the visibility of the event, the extent of the organization, and the audacity of certain initiatives of Cardinal [Marc] Ouellet and his team. I understood that it was Jesus who was there! Aujourd'hui il n'a plus rien. Over history there have, unfortunately, been episodes when people sought to defend the truth with violence. I then decided to experience that love close up by spending my Christmas holidays at the Cottolengo in Turin, an institution that receives people suffering from serious physical and mental handicaps. The great gift of Christ was that He enabled us to see the face of God".Pope. In the context of my work in a law office, I was deeply upset by a young man who had raped and burned seven children. After the first reaction to the odours and colours, I was gripped that night by that word of Christ who took flesh and what flesh! Only a prolonged exposition to the mystery of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament enables us to enter progressively into the Eucharistic wonder. Père Nicolas Buttet : « C’est Jésus qui était là » Témoignage du père Nicolas Buttet : « C’était une certitude, c’est Jésus qui était là » "Let us enter the school of saints, great interpreters of authentic Eucharistic piety," John Paul II said at the end of his encyclical on the Eucharist. The community’s life is centered on Christ in the Eucharist, celebrated in the sacrifice of the Mass and worshipped in the Blessed Sacrament. Father Buttet: Quebec's Blessed Dina Belanger, beatified in 1993 by John Paul II, wrote one day in her diary: "If souls but understood what treasure they possess in the divine Eucharist, it would be necessary to protect the tabernacles by impregnable ramparts because, in the delirium of a holy and devouring hunger, they would themselves go to be nourished by the Bread of Angels. A year or so later he received a nasty shock when his girlfriend told him that she thought she was pregnant. Kallistos Ware, VATICAN II AND ALL THAT (Nottingham University), MEETING CHRIST IN THE STRANGER by Jim Forest (Orth), ON THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE CHURCH and ON PRAYER by Met. Both Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby break the mould that the past wishes to impose on them. This mystery is so great that the liturgy alone will never allow us to go sufficiently deeply. It was he who said: "I have often reflected on the remedies to that universal indifference that takes hold of so many Catholics in a frightful way, and I find only one: the Eucharist, the love of the Eucharistic Jesus. There were disputes concerning condoms as well as the ordination of women and a married clergy. Père Laurent Fabre (Chemin Neuf) VIDEO "Marthe est une grande soeur pour moi !" Nicolas Buttet n’est plus modérateur de la Fraternité Eucharistein d’Epinassey, près de Saint-Maurice. An Orthodox Commentary on Mel Gibson's "THE PASSION". au sujet du pÈre nicolas buttet Nicolas Buttet, né le 7 octobre 1961 à Monthey (Suisse), est un prêtre catholique suisse. ), ABBOT HUGH GILBERT BECOMES BISHOP OF ABERDEEN, JOTTINGS FROM A HOLY MOUNTAIN (by Abbot Meletios) (Orth. I believe they were mistaken. by Fr Brendan Thomas OSB. A graduate of the University of Fribourg, he practiced law for many years while becoming active in politics and philanthropy, before being ordained as a priest. I answered him: "No, Catholic!" Jesus was certainly there under the appearance of a brother and under the appearances of bread. Kallistos Ware (excellent), THE HOLY LIGHT FROM THE TOMB (orth) Holy Saturday, A HAPPY AND HOLY EASTER TRIDUUM TO YOU ALL, Homily for Palm Sunday 2011 and 2006 (by Abbot Paul Stonham of Belmont), THE ORDINARIATES, THE POPE AND THE LITURGY - I (by Fr Aidan Nichols OP), THE ORDINARIATES, THE POPE AND THE LITURGY - II, THE ANGLICAN ORDINARIATES AND THE REFORM OF THE REFORM, The Hymnography of the 4th Sunday in Great Lent etc, Liturgy of the Church and Withim the Heart (Met. to read this post, since all my former readers gave up on me a long time If you wish to go backwards, swipe your arrow to the right on the left side of the screen, or click or use the arrow accordingly. he replied with a curiosity which was not feigned. Dès l'origine, RCF porte l'ambition de diffuser un message d'espérance et de proposer au plus grand nombre une lecture chrétienne de la société et de l'actualité. Second, light must focus on the consecration at Mass and the tabernacle in churches. The only bridge between Christians is the Holy Spirit, and we should leave it to him, without trying to take over his function, but we must be ready to to open ourselves to what he is doing and to accept this. Interview With Speaker at International Congress. I haven’t updated this blog in over six years, so probably no one is going It is the hour of the Eucharist, but three things are needed for Catholics to go deeper in the Eucharistic mystery, said the founder of a fraternity dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament. TERESA OF CALCUTTA), What does All Saints say to us? ), THE HISTORY OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH (videos), PEACE ON EARTH III - ST ISAAC THE SYRIAN AND DOROTHY DAY, PEACE ON EARTH II - Mother Teresa and Mother Maria Skobtsova, PEACE ON EARTH I -Metropolitan Kallistos and Prof. Olivier Clement, CONSECRATION AND SACRIFICE, The Eucharist and Fatima, HAIL, MOTHER OF MEXICO: Homily by B.. John Paul II, THOUGHTS FOR ADVENT: THE MONKS OF TIBHIRINE, MOTHER TERESA, POPE JOHN PAUL II AND Fr DAMIEN OF MOLOKAI, Fr George Florovsky on SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, PREACHING BY CHARITY (ON BL. by Pope Benedict XVI and Met. But they are two contrasting realities. H. Urs von Balthazar. Reviewed in France on July 23, 2014 ... Ce n'est ps pour eine que la communauté qu'il a fondée a pour nom : Eucharistein ! ALOIS de Taizé, La teologÃa como respiración más profunda de toda la Iglesia (Orth), PENSAMIENTOS privado de Juan XXIII en el Vaticano II, La Iglesia, su naturaleza y del cometido del P. George Florovsky (Orth), LA INFLUENCIA DEL PADRE N. Afanasiev en el Vaticano II, SÃNODO DE LOS OBISPOS EN ROMA Y MUSULMANES, Metropolitano Hilarión de Volokolamsk DIRECCIONES DEL SÃNODO 2012, El legado duradero del Cardenal Daniélou, NO adornan las iglesias e ignorar a los pobres de San Juan Crisóstomo, BUEN PASTOR CATEQUESIS: Una nueva forma de introducir a los niños al Señor, SS. Lewis & LOST IN THE COSMOS by Percy Walker, PENTECOST: ST AUGUSTINE ON THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, THE POWER FROM ABOVE by Fr R> Cantalamessa OFM (Cap), THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY IN THE TRADITION OF THE SYRIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, LOVE ONE ANOTHER An extrract from "Christ, Life of the Soul" by Dom Columba Marmion OSB, ST BASIL: THE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE CAMBRIDGE ORTHODOX FORUM: BASIC QUESTIONS, CHRIST, CONQUEROR OF HELL by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev (Orth), THE VIRGIN MARY IN ETHIOPIAN ORTHODOX TRADITION, A VERY USEFUL COLLECTION OF HOLY WEEK ICONS 2012, THE MEANING OF THE PRAYER OF ST EPHRAIM by Fr Alexander Men (Orth), OUR LADY OF COMPASSION, MARCH 30TH, HOMILY OF ABBOT PAUL, METROPOLITAN HILARION ALFEYEV CROSSING FRONTIERS, CHRISTIANITY IN SOUTH WALES by Abbor Paul of Belmont, THE MARONITE CHURCH, CHURCH OF HOPE + THE DEATH OF POPE SHENOUDA III, ARCHBISHOP ROWAN WILLIAMS ON MONASTIC VIRTUE AND ECUMENICAL HOPE, ST THERESE'S TEACHER: OUR LADY OF THE LITTLE WAY, TRADITIONALISTS AND TRADITION: The SSPX and Catholic Tradition, MYTH AND REALITY: WHY HISTORICAL FACT IS NOT ENOUGH by Jim Forest, THE TEACHING AND CONTEXT OF ST ISSAC OF NINEVEH, PSYCHTHERAPY, ADDICTION AND ORTHODOXY (mostly about the life of prayer) BY ABBOT MELETIOS WEBBER, CHRISTIAN UNITY V: A CATHOLIC VIEW OF ORTHODOXY, CHRISTIAN UNITY IV: A NEW STEP TOWARDS UNITY, CHRISTIAN UNITY III: ROBERT TAFT S.J. THE WORST ISLAMIC PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIAND FOR CENTURIES. Russian Novel, Narrow mindedness in contemporary Orthodoxy, Myrrh and Blood Streaming Icons in Serbia, THE SISTINE CHAPEL a photographic project (and Music), The Servants of God's Presence in Pachacamac, The Christian, Not Pagan, Origins of Halloween, The American Church's Crisis of Attrition, 150th Anniversary of the Consecration of Belmont Abbey church, An Orthodox Theologian Speaks of Pope John Paul II, The Prior of Bose and Metropolitan Hilarion Pay Tribute To Abbot Andre Louf OCSO, ONE DEMOCRACY AND TRADITION by G.K. Chesterton, The Evil of Relitavism (Archbishop Chaput of Denver), The Evil of Relitavism (by Archbishop Chaput), Interview with Archbishop Hilarion about Patriarch Kiril, Dom Placid Spearitt (fellow student with me at Fribourg), Going On Pilgrimage (Sr Cautivo de Ayabaca), Saint Teresa de los Andes (videos of a film), pHOTOS OF THE cATHEDRAL OS sANTIAGO DE cOMPOSTELA, Interview with Archbishop Hilarion on Patriarch Kiril of Moscow, DOM GREGORY DIX REPLIES TO ARCHBISHOP ROWAN WILLIAMS (from Purgatory) by John Hunwicke, WHY A. SOLZHENITSYN MATTERS & "THE WORLD SPLIT APART" by A. Solzhenitsyn, PASTORAL LETTER OF HIS BEATITUDE PATRIARCH JOHN X, ON THE MYSTICAL THEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN CHURCH by FR JOHN MCGUCKIN plus EXCERPTS ON THE JESUS PRAYER (videos), MONASTIC SPIRITUALITY FROM ST JOHN'S ABBEY, MINNESOTA, SAINT MACARIUS OF EGYPT AND EGYPTIAN MONASTICISM, SEEDS OF HOPE: THOMAS MERTON'E CONTEMPLATIVE MESSAGE by Jim Forest, ABBOT'S CONFERENCE, JUNE 5th, '13 & 3 MONKS OF PACHACAMAC MADE ACOLYTES, THE METOCHION: NUNS OF ST ELIZABETH'S CONVENT IN MINSK (ORTH) CARE FOR OUTCASTS, REFLECTIONS ON ORTHODOX MONASTICISM ( VIDEOS), THE FIRST PERSEVERENCE OF BROS DUNSTAN AND ALISTAIR, TWO POPES & OUR VOCATION AS MONKS, An Abbot's Conference, MONASTIC SCENES: 1 COPTIC MONASTERY, 1 ORTHODOX, AND MANY VIDEOS ILLUSTRATING LIFE IN CATHOLIC MONASTERIES, CATHOLICISM'S NOT IN CRISIS: THE COMMUNITY OF JERUSALEM, PILGRIM'S WAY: SEARCHING FOR GOD IN THE ORTHODOX MONASTERIES IN ROMANIA, MONASTIC OBEDIENCE (Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Catholic), MONASTIC HUMILITY (Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Catholic), THE ABBOT PRIMATE'S SPIRITUAL REFLECTION FOR LENT 2013 & ABBOT PAUL'S HOMILY FOR ASH WEDNESDAY, ABBOT PAUL'S CONFERENCE AT THE BEGINNING OF LENT, THE CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE: LATIN STYLE (videos), SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS IN THE YEAR OF FAITH BY THE ABBOT PRIMATE OSB, GREAT ABBEYS: MONTSERRAT AND ITS CHOIR SCHOOL, HOMILY ON THE PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD FOR THE SIMPLE PROFESSION OF BR DAVID YATES by Abbot Paul, BENEDICTINE SPIRITUALITY by Dom Jacques Winandy of Clervaux.
Les Nouvelles Aventures De Sabrina Saison 2, Pourquoi Avez-vous Choisi Cette école Exemple, Petit Cabriolet 2020, Lévrier Galgo Caractère, Famille Royale Italienne, Vodka Red Goût, Antonyme De Spontané, Oiseau Trompette Mots Fléchés,